
Sustainable and Responsible Investing (SRI)


Catalyse the change you want in the world!

SRI is often used interchangeably with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing, ethical investing, responsible investing, green investing or impact investing.

Crea8 empowers you to make more conscious investment decisions and offers easy, transparent and low cost ways for you to express your values through your investments.

Contrary to expectations

SRI delivers higher returns vs. conventional strategies.**

So, doing good does not compromise performance.

No wonder, SRI assets in the five major markets increased by 34% to USD 30.7 trillion between 2016 – 2018*

↑ USD 0 trillion
SRI assets between 2016-2018
* Biannual 2018 Global Sustainable Investment Review

How is your SRI portfolio constructed?

ESG compliant or maximised portfolios

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aligned portfolios

Why Is Our Approach Better?


Our integrated and customisable approach allow personalisation in investable universe and construction tilt.


We maximise sustainability explicity in our optimiser, instead of screening.

43.4% professionals adopt negative / positive ESG screening#. Unsurprisingly, such screens have minimal difference to long run index performance.

# Amel-Zadeh, Amir, and George Serafeim. “Why and How Investors Use ESG Information: Evidence from a Global Survey.” Financial Analysts Journal 74, no. 3 (July 1, 2018): 87–103.


Overlaying SRI portfolios over long term themes offers the opportunity for outperformance.

Pre-optimised SRI strategies

Adopt one of our strategies or modify it to suit your needs

Global advanced industrials with ESG

Global Ageing Society with ESG

ESG investing in Sharing Economy stocks with Environment Emphasis

Still not convinced of Sustainable and Responsible Investing?

Check out our 8 reasons here.

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