Yes, you can. If you are using our Factor based service, it will be stored under ‘Draft’ or ‘My Strategies‘.
Yes, you can. If you are using our Goal based investing service, it will be stored under ‘Advice‘.
Once you have built your strategy, click on the “Save” button on the strategy page. To access the saved strategy, go to “My Strategies”.
Yes, you can. If you have created a strategy and have cancelled it instead of saving it, that strategy will appear in your ‘Draft’ folder under ‘My Strategies‘
Yes, you can. On you “My Strategies” page, click on the particular strategy that you want to change. Then, click “Edit Strategy”.
Yes, you can. On the “Advice” page, click on the particular plan that you want to change. Then click “Edit Plan“.
You get to invest in the 2,500 stocks across 20 different countries or the 400 listed ETFs.
You can build as many strategies as you like. However, you need to ensure that you maintain only one investment strategy per brokerage account. For build your own strategy using our Analytics, as you are managing it yourself, you will need to segregate the positions by your investment strategies yourself.